French national guidelines
The 2011-2015 official French nutrition guidelines are publicly available (PNNS www.mangerbouger.fr).
Meat, fish, eggs : once to twice a day is essential! page 7:
“Are you vegan? Be careful if you choose to eliminate all animal-derived foods: be aware that you risk suffering from deficiencies in some essential nutrients. This way of eating poses a long-term health risk and should be prohibited for children.”
Source: http://www.inpes.sante.fr/CFESBases/catalogue/pdf/1178.pdf
Adolescent nutrition guide, 5th edition 2009, France, page 11:
“What about veganism? Source: http://www.inpes.sante.fr/CFESBases/catalogue/pdf/747.pdf
Parents’ guide to nutrition for children and adolescents, 1st edition, 2004, France, page 104:
“Veganism: a harmful diet Source: http://www.inpes.sante.fr/CFESBases/catalogue/pdf/688.pdf
From the official website page:
“If you're vegan? Source: http://www.mangerbouger.fr/bien-manger/les-9-reperes-pour-vous-aider/viande-poisson-ou-oeufs-1-a-2-fois-par-jour.html |
Contact: info(at)swissveg.ch |