This list is the result of input from many different cultural and dietary communities - Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, vegetarian, vegan and more. It can be used in the preparation of nutritious and ethical meals by anyone from neighbours and friends to major institutional caterers seeking to comply with best practice on equality and freedom of conscience.
As a secular initiative, we cannot provide exhaustive information on specific processing regulations. However, to the best of our knowledge these foods - carefully cleaned and freshly cooked and served - will be acceptable to the widest possible range of participants. We are deeply grateful to all who have contributed to the preparation of this list: the credit is theirs, any mistakes are our own. Further input is actively encouraged and appreciated.
Click on individual pictures to see full nutritional information.
Ackerbohne |
Artischocke |
Brunnenkresse |
Chicorée |
Chinakohl |
Erbse |
Garten-Senfrauke |
Gemüsespargel |
Grüne Bohne |
Grünkohl |
Gurke |
Kochbanane |
Kürbisse |
Löwenzahn |
Mais |
Mangold |
Markstammkohl |
Okra |
Paprika |
Rhabarber |
Rosenkohl |
Salat, Lattich |
Speiserübenblätter |
Spinat |
Stangensellerie |
Tomaten |
Wirsing |
Zucchini |
Ananas |
Äpfel |
Aprikosen |
Avocado |
Birnen |
Brombeeren |
Dattel |
Dessertbanane |
Durian |
Erdbeeren |
Grapefruit |
Heidelbeeren |
Himbeeren |
Jackfrucht |
Kirsche |
Limette |
Lychee |
Mango |
Melone |
Orange |
Papaya |
Pfirsich |
Preiselbeeren |
Rosinen |
Rote Johannisbeeren |
Schwarze Johannisbeeren |
Trauben |
Wassermelone |
Zitrone |
Zwetschge |
Nüsse und Samen |
Erdnüsse |
Haselnüsse |
Cashew-Nüsse |
Kastanien |
Kokosnuss |
Macadamia-Nüsse |
Mandeln |
Paranüsse |
Pekannüsse |
Pinienkerne |
Pistazien |
Senfkörner |
Sesam |
Walnüsse / Baumnüsse |
Bohnen |
Echte Buchweizen |
Erbsen |
Hirse |
Kichererbsen |
Linsen |
Mais |
Quinoa |
Reis |
Roggen |
Saat-Hafer |
Sojabohne |
Weizen |
Amaranthöl |
Arganöl |
Avocadoöl |
Baumwollöl |
Bucheckernöl |
Cashewöl |
Distelöl |
Erdnussöl |
Grapefruitsamenöl |
Hanföl |
Haselnussöl |
Kakaobutter |
Kokosnussöl |
Kürbiskernöl |
Leinsamenöl |
Macadamiaöl |
Maisöl |
Mandelöl |
Olivenöl |
Palmöl |
Pekanussöl |
Pinienkernöl |
Pistazienöl |
Rapsöl |
Sesamöl |
Sojaöl |
Sonnenblumenöl |
Traubenkernöl |
Walnussöl |
Anissamen |
Asant |
Basilikum |
Bockshornkleesamen |
Bohnenkraut |
Carob |
Chilischoten |
Dill |
Estragon |
Fenchelsamen |
Gewürzsumach |
Ingwer (getrocknet) |
Jasmin |
Kardamom |
Kerbel |
Koriander |
Kumin |
Kurkumapulver |
Lorbeer |
Majoran |
Nelken |
Oregano |
Paprika |
Petersilie |
Pfeffer |
Pfefferminz |
Rosmarin |
Safran |
Salbei |
Schokolade |
Sternanis |
Thymian |
Vanille |
Wachholderbeeren |
Zimt |
Zitronengras |
Zitronenverbene |
Agavendicksaft |
Ahornsirup |
Backpulver |
Chapatti |
Chilisauce |
Zusammensetzug beachten) |
Kokosnussmilch |
Konfitüre (Rohzucker) |
Margarine (pflanzlich) |
Zusammensetzung beachten) |
Rohrzucker |
Seitan |
Sojadrink |
Sojagehacktes |
Tofu |